5 Top Human Capital Management Questions The CHRO And Business Leaders Should Ask To Drive The Business Forward

Article May 18, 2022

Pave ways for digitalization with Effective Human Capital Management

At CADS, we know that digitalization and Industry 4.0 will impact the workplace, society, and economy in a huge way.

Forward-thinking business leaders and CHROs should spend time answering these questions during strategic planning sessions to drive business ahead:

  1. What portfolio of skills your workforce need to stay ahead in the competition?
  2. What kind of talent profile should you add to your organization's talent pool?
  3. What skillsets are missing in your workforce, which will cause business loss and missed opportunities in the next 5 – 10 years?
  4. What disruptive technical skills that you need to start training your workforce for?
  5. Which skills are underutilized in your organization that you can tap into?

The better your question is, the more impactful solutions you can discover to add more value to the workforce you currently serve.


We spent more than 3 years designing and developing TalentSpy to help organizations and clients answer the human capital management questions above.

TalentSpy helps organizations:

  1. Identify talents that matter
  2. Identify important skills that you need to have
  3. Bridge skill gaps
  4. Recommend skill trainings your workforce need to meet the demand for the future of the workforce
  5. Tracking skills that the workforce grow overtime and correlate it to your business growth

Be the future-proofing leader your workforce needs with TalentSpy

At CADS, we always provide trainings to equip our team with essential data science, analytics, and AI skills so that our company can make full use of cutting edge technology to improve business performance, productivity, and profits.

Are you keen to leverage Data Science, Analytics and AI to grow and expand your business in the next 3-5 years?

Growing subject matter experts in your organization with data science, analytics, and AI skills will give you the cutting edge advantages you want.

Read more about how TalentSpy can help achieve your business vision on our website.

Get in touch with our TalentSpy consultant for a 1-to-1 strategy and planning session for your business.



Max is the official mascot for CADS or the Center of Applied Data Science.