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Digitalization & future proofing employees growth: A HR Strategy.

Mar 31, 2023

The reality today is that the world of work is changing rapidly due to digitalization, and most organizations are struggling to keep up.

The impact of technology on the workforce is undeniable, and it is becoming increasingly important for human resource (HR) professionals to create a strategy that ensures employees are prepared for the future of work.

In this article, we will discuss a hr strategy for digitalization & future proofing careers & skill level maintenance for employees.

Let's break it down to steps, from assessing to supporting.

Step 1: Assessing Skills and Identifying Gaps

The first step in future proofing career and skill level maintenance for employees is to assess the current skill sets of your employees.

tip: Use surveys, interviews, and assessments to identify their skills and knowledge.

This information can be used to develop training programs that address specific skill deficiencies and help employees plan & develop new skills that are relevant to their future work in the organization.

CADS AI Skills Intelligence cloud solution offers an assessment engine that builds profiles and helps you manage employee growth.

Step 2: Providing Access to Training and Development

Once the skill gaps have been identified, HR professionals should provide access to training and development opportunities.

Traditional classroom-based training may not be the most effective method for all employees, so consider offering a variety of learning formats, such as e-learning, webinars, on-the-job training, and mentoring programs.

This will enable employees to acquire new skills and knowledge at their own pace and in the way that best suits their learning style.

Step 3: Encouraging Lifelong Learning

The pace of change in the digital age is rapid, and it is important for employees to continue learning throughout their careers. HR professionals can encourage lifelong learning by promoting a culture of continuous learning within the organization.

This can be done by providing access to resources such as online courses, books, and articles, as well as offering incentives for employees who complete training programs or achieve new certifications.

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Step 4: Fostering Innovation & Creativity

Innovation and creativity are essential skills for the future of work. HR professionals can foster these by creating a culture that encourages employees to experiment with new ideas and take risks.

This can be done by providing employees with the resources they need to innovate, such as access to technology and time to work on new projects that may or may not be part of their everyday work.

Step 5: Supporting Career Development

Finally, HR professionals should support career development by providing employees with opportunities to advance within the organization.

This can be done by offering promotions, job rotations, and stretch assignments that challenge employees and help them develop new skills.

By providing employees with opportunities for growth and advancement, organizations can retain top talent and ensure that employees are prepared for the future of work.

Find Out How CADS AI can help your employee skills maintenance on a cloud solution.

CADS AI - Skills Intelligence Cloud Solutions

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Digitalization is changing the way we work, and it is important for organizations to prepare their workforce for the future. By following the steps outlined in this blog, HR professionals can create a strategy that ensures employees are prepared for the future of work.

By assessing skills and identifying gaps, providing access to training and development, encouraging lifelong learning, fostering innovation and creativity, and supporting career development, organizations can future proof their workforce and ensure long-term success.



Max is the official mascot for CADS or the Center of Applied Data Science.