Double Tax Deduction With Protégé Ready To Work Data Star Graduate Program

May 10, 2022

Rise above the competition by becoming data-driven

Businesses have to take counteractive measures to stay afloat due to the economic repercussions caused by Covid-19. Many had adopted data science to render its level of competition. The government also introduced several incentives, especially on talent retention and upskilling, for businesses to remain competitive during this period.

But have businesses leveraged these incentives to upskill the workforce during this disruptive time?

When leaders had to hire (and fire) their workforce to stay afloat, it is also critical for CHROs to recognize the right talent to retain. Talents who are skilled in Data and AI especially are highly sought-after. This is probably because everyone is embracing data as a means to move forward with their operations.

There are ways for businesses in Malaysia to claim double tax deductions when they upskill or reskill new or existing employees in the Data and AI field.

Take your business to the next level by hiring the right Data and AI talent.

As a Chief Human Resource Officer, you must scrutinize your organization to see where it is currently and relative to its competitors, both domestic and international.

Do you have the right people and processes in place to cope with the changes that are being wrought upon your organization by Industry 4.0 and 5G technologies? More importantly, is your organization able to do better than just cope and rise above the competition?

Suppose your answer is “no” or “maybe” to either of these questions. In that case, the reality is that your organization is far from ready to address the challenges and opportunities that Industry 4.0 and 5G high-speed telecommunications technology bring with them.

Research has shown that leading organizations worldwide that have invested in data science, analytics, and AI, are experiencing double revenue growth compared to digital laggards. Do you want your organization to be one of them? The answer to this is investing in data professionals that can take your organization to the next level.

What are some benefits organizations get by hiring talents with data and AI skills?

While it is understandable that your organization (like many others) is experiencing cost pressures, hiring the right talent to turn your organization into a data-driven one is crucial to helping the entire organization survive and thrive in the long term. The right hires increase productivity and contribute to better overall company morale, and these translate to better business outcomes.

So how do you go about hiring the right data talent for your organization?

The first step you need to take is to build an Industry 4.0 powerhouse to place the right foundations. The right talent, for instance, will:

  • Boost your organization’s Big Data and AI capabilities
  • Build the right foundations for your big data analytics and AI applications and projects
  • Bridge the gap between digital and conventional businesses

Next, you can turn to The Center for Applied Data Science (CADS) to source the right talent. At CADS, we have the Data Star Graduate program, an avenue for organizations to carry out risk-free recruitment and analytical and highly talented junior data scientists, data analysts, and data engineers.

Data Star Graduate Program provides a platform to train and develop Junior Data scientists, Data Analysts, and Data engineers for the nation within a two-month training program. The program is followed by a 12-month industry work placement where work-ready graduates work in an organization’s new data science initiatives or become a part of an expanding data science team.

Unique Protégé Ready to Work Data Star Graduate Program

CADS has gone one step further to collaborate with the government through the Professional Training, and Education for Growing Entrepreneurs (Protégé) from our Protégé Ready to Work Program. Under this initiative, organizations that choose to hire Data Star graduates as interns are eligible for double tax deductions for the 2021 financial year.

Double tax deductions shall cover the following expenses an organization incurs during the entire industry placement for Data Star graduates:

  • Fixed monthly allowance, i.e., a salary of not less than RM3,000, for 12 months.
  • Expenditure is incurred throughout the program’s duration while hosting the graduates (i.e., shuttle services, meals, transportation, etc.)
  • Other expenses (food, travel, and/or accommodation during the training Scheme)
  • Training fees.

Moreover, Protégé Placement Partners are eligible for extra credits for government tender considerations. Your organization will also enjoy zero training fees on data science, analytics, and AI as the Data Star Graduate program is fully sponsored by Yayasan Peneraju, hence saving you up to RM20,000 per hire.

Claim Double Tax Deductions and Schedule Complimentary Strategic Planning Discovery Session from CADS

For a limited period, CADS is offering Protégé Placement Partners a complimentary strategic planning discovery session.

Our team will develop and formulate your organization’s Data-Driven Organization Roadmap with your team based on a data-driven maturity assessment. This assessment will allow you to identify and bridge skills gaps relevant to transforming your organization to cope with digital disruptions coming your way.

You can rest assured that our Data Star graduates have been thoroughly trained and screened. Our objective is to reduce your hiring time and on-the-job training costs. During the entire industry placement, Data Star graduates will be supported by industry experts to ensure that they can perform their work with excellence.

Are you ready to hire your best data talent and take your organization to the next level?

Contact us today about our industry placement program at


Max is the official mascot for CADS or the Center of Applied Data Science.