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Talent trumps technology, every time

Article Jun 17, 2022

As the chief human resource officer (CHRO) of an organization on a digital transformation journey, you want to ensure that your talent pool is able to help your organization achieve success in this area.

But how exactly do you go about assisting your talents, steering them in the right direction, so that they get how important digital transformation is and the crucial role each and every employee plays in it?

It may seem like a daunting task indeed for you and your team, but it doesn’t have to be. With the right foundations in place and proper planning, executing a talent strategy is entirely doable.

It’s talent, not technology.

The Harvard Business Review sheds some insights on the relationship between talent and technology:  “You can pretty much buy any technology, but your ability to adapt to an ever more digital future depends on developing the next generation of skills, closing the gap between talent supply and demand, and future-proofing your own and others’ potential.”

While technology is an essential component of the digital transformation process, it is only effective if you combine it with the right human skill sets. In other words, it’s human capital, not technology, that powers digital transformation.

In fact, a successful digital business needs to be a data-driven organization, with the entire workforce able to speak and comprehend data collectively.

“Just as technological disruption has generally led to automation and the elimination of outdated jobs, it has also always created new jobs. This is why innovation is commonly described as creative destruction. But the creative aspect of innovation is entirely dependent on people,” says the HBR article, which also surmises that when leaders think about investing in technology, they should first think about investing in the people who can make that technology work.

Realizing that your talent is more important than fancy and expensive technologies is the first step for CHROs bent on successful digital transformation. But realization alone isn’t enough: there are often real struggles CHROs face when formulating a talent strategy that will ensure success.

At The Center of Applied Data Science (CADS), we have found that many CHROs find it challenging to provide targeted and personalized learning interventions for all employees. The result? The organization is unable to scale, due to less than optimal learning experiences for employees, decreased employee engagement, and redundant and mismatched learning programs.

Another pain point is that many CHROs experience difficulty in relating learning spending to individual and business performance. Hence, they are unable to truly justify learning ROIs, grappling with wasted resources, and the inability to clearly measure success.

A third problem is the lack of skill sets within the current talent pool. According to, HCL’s Digital Acceleration for Business Resilience report, which surveyed 400-plus business and IT decision-makers across the globe, found that the lack of skills within the organization continues to be one of the top three challenges to digital transformation, and one that leaders are increasingly paying more attention to.

You don’t have to do everything yourself

At CADS, we recognize the above pain points and through working with various CHROs, we have crafted solutions for different talent-related problems. An example is CADS AI Skills Intelligence Platform™, our AI-driven platform that enables organizations and business leaders to:

●      Maximize business potential by aligning expectations

●      Discover the gaps within the organization

●      Gain visibility on where to invest in the workforce

●      Empower employees at every level to use the right data at the right time to foster conclusive decision-making.

Human capital planning and management are seamless with the CADS AI Skills Intelligence Platform™. What’s more, a consolidated talent dashboard in Acceltic gives management easy access to talents with specific skills. With this information, management can plan to ensure talents are well-equipped with the in-demand skill sets required to digitally transform and grow the business.

CHROs can assign specific assessments to individual employees while monitoring their progress, ensuring that the profiling and skills verification process is targeted, seamless, and convenient for all parties involved.

Furthermore, in our whitepaper “Talents, Not Technology Will Make or Break Your Digital Transformation”, we share examples of real leaders and their respective workforces, who discovered renewed purpose and focus in helping their organizations become data-driven by deploying CADS AI Skills Intelligence Platform™ within their organizations.

Click here to download the whitepaper or book a demo today.

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Max is the official mascot for CADS or the Center of Applied Data Science.