What's Time Series Forecasting
Master how to create accurate future time series forecasts using different model predictors with machine learning algorithms.
Equip yourself with various forecasting techniques and basic statistical tests for various applications.
Best suited for business users of Microsoft Excel with the need to do basic analyses and visualizations.
2 days
Monitor changes over time and predicts what comes next.
Participants will be able to decompose a time series to better understand how the value of a business variable changes similarly in specific periods of time like the season, month, or week; or if there is a trend associated with that.

Track current progress.
Time Series Forecasting introduces you to the analysis and forecasting of time series data using a selection of popular smoothing and regression techniques. You will learn to build, analyze, and forecast time series models using the Holt-Winters and ARIMA approaches.

Predict and forecast the future.
This course teaches you everything you need to know about different time series forecasting and time series analysis models implementation. Upon completing this course, you will be able to utilize time series models to make forecast projections to guide business decision-making.

Know what’s coming next.
You will be able to evaluate time-series forecasting and create visualizations to report your findings to key business stakeholders.
Best suited for data analysts and business intelligence professionals looking to organize data from (near) real-time sources for in-depth analysis and forecasting.
Learning Outcome
Upon completion, participants should be able to demonstrate each of the following;
- Construct a time series model to identify components such as trend, cycle, and seasonality.
- Understanding stationarity, autoregression, and autoregression plots for time series analysis.
- Build, analyze, and forecast a time series.
Learning Path

Time Series Forecasting is one of the modules under our Enterprise Data Analyst (EDA) program. EDA is a ten-day training program that provides analysts with advanced tools and skillsets required for efficient data analysis.
CADS Certification

Each exam in this program certifies job-ready knowledge and skill. Those that pass all are recognized as being able to distil insight from data and communicate its value to a decision-maker. Enter the world of Data Professionals.