Forget About Unicorn Become a Flying Elephant to Win in the 21st Century

Article May 25, 2022

Winning big with data-driven leadership in the 21st Century

In a time of constant change, there are no silver bullets. To win in the 21st century requires us to be agile and respond quickly to market changes. How do we become more agile? The answer is simple: Become a data driven organization.  This whitepaper outlines how organizations can identify their data-driven maturity level and succeed in today's fast-paced world.

What and why about flying elephants?

Flying Elephant is a term coined by CADS for its Data-Driven Organization maturity model. CADS Data-Driven Organization Maturity Framework outlines how organizations undergoing digital transformation and rise in maturity levels. Organizations that are still relying on paper and manual work stay in level 1. Organizations that embrace some basic digital technologies to drive certain business outcomes rank level 2 in terms of their data-driven maturity level.

Our findings show that majority of the companies are in level 2 and below. Leaders need to boost the overall workforce’s capabilities to use future and emerging technologies to stay competitive in the post-pandemic era.

Download the whitepaper to get some insights to figure out how.



Max is the official mascot for CADS or the Center of Applied Data Science.