Find the best talents with verified data literacy skills.
Making it easier for recruiters & hiring managers

Gain access to verified talents with data, analytics, and AI skills.
Our community of data-literate talents uses the CADS AI Skills Intelligence Platform to verify and learn new skills in data, analytics, and AI.
Talents are assessed with over 3,000 questions covering 32 skills of Data, Analytics, and AI.

Gain immediate access to matching talent.
Upon successful publication of your job post, our MAX AI engine will immediately recommend matching talents based on your job and skills requirements.
Automatic recommendation from a large pool of talents includes our Data Star graduates with certified data literacy skills.
Meet our alumni

"It was quite challenging for me to adapt as I'm not from a data science background, but now, I've gained quite an experience."
Nurul Nasrin Morshidi (DS20)

"The skills I gained with Data Star have provided me with the competencies required to work in data analytics."
Philip Khor Qing An (DS19)

"Today something magical happens. My friends and I won 3rd place in DataKita.Pulse - Data Visualisation and Story Telling Challenge organized by MDEC. Thank you to my trainers at CADS."
Amirah Atikah Rosidi (DS21)

"I gained a lot of new insights and skills. I get to master Python and learned various models in Machine Learning."
Muaz Abdul Rahim (DS18)